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Firefighters pumping water from a Pierce PUC™ Fire Truck parked outside near a building on a sunny day.

The Pierce Ultimate Configuration.


The next generation PUC water pump with enhanced flow capabilities of up to 2000 gallons per minute.




The Pierce PUC™ is the first modern tilt cab emergency response vehicle designed specifically for the response duties of today’s fire services now with capacities of up to 2000 gpm.

The PUC eliminates the pumphouse so you can build your apparatus around your needs and not the pump. It minimizes vehicular space used for fire suppression and maximizes space for equipment while still providing big pump, foam and CAFS capabilities.

PUC removes the need to build the entire body around the pump and the pumphouse. And it’s the first apparatus that offers the most complete single-source build, from the chassis and body, right down to the pump. The PUC is available on pumpers, rescue pumpers, tankers and aerials.

Pump Panel

Officer’s side of a Pierce PUC™ Fire Truck side panel and storage compartments open.


Pierce Fire Truck PUC™ panel with Ultimate Configuration Low Height.
Pierce PUC™ Top Mount Control Panel on a Pierce PUC™ Fire Truck.


The 2000 gpm pump (rated for draft) weighs 30% less than most existing pumps on the market and comes with a 7-year standard warranty.

We enclosed the pump operators panel on the side mount to keep it clean of grime, grit and moisture. The next generation Control Zone™ pump panel is designed to fit the way you work with: 

  • Large lever control handles that lock to prevent valve creep under pressure.
  • Multi-functional pressure governor.
  • Extra-large engine RPM display.
  • Fuel level monitoring.
  • Pump prognostics.
  • New pump drive with integrated pump transmission.
    • Mission purpose.
    • Rugged reliability.
    • Service.


Compartment Space

Up to 200 cubic feet (depending on configuration)

Ground Ladder Storage

Various options

Compartment Load Rating

Up to 500 lb each

Tank Capacities

Up to 500 gallons

Water Pump Capacity

Up to 2000 gpm



Body Width


Compartment Space

Up to 500 cubic feet (depending on body size)

Usable Compartment Depth

12" upper, 26" lower

Compartment Load Rating

Up to 800 lb each

Tank Capacities

Up to 1,500 gallons

Water Pump Capacity

Up to 2000 gpm



Body Width


Usable Compartment Depth

12" upper, 26" lower

Compartment Load Rating

Up to 800 lb each

Tank Capacities

Up to 3,000 gallons

Water Pump Capacity

Up to 2000 gpm

Tank Dumps

8' , 10', 12' (rear only) Air actuated, electric, manual; Round & square

Compartment Storage

Passenger’s side of a Pierce PUC™ Fire Truck with storage compartments open showing tools and equipment.

The PUC features 26" deep compartments and up to 500 cubic feet of big, clean, uncluttered storage space with covered raceways, recessed shelf tracks and bright strip lighting that reduces shelving shadows and gives excellent night-time visibility.

PUC also features a long list of options including:

  • 500 lb sliding floor trays.
  • Dividers.
  • Tilt-out shelves.
  • Swinging tool boards.
  • Reel mountings.

You can configure any option with the roomy Pierce “jump-off” compartment near the rear of the passenger side cab door for EMS, rescue or turnout gear or whatever you decide to store.
[{published=2025-02-28 06:00:00, post=BlogPost 186728520053 Clarendon Hills Fire Department - Aerial}, {published=2025-02-28 06:00:00, post=BlogPost 186726860149 Albemarle County Fire Rescue - Pumper}, {published=2024-10-24 05:00:00, post=BlogPost 181898340615 West Branch Fire Department - Tanker}] [{key=chassis, slug=x_chassis_custom_enforcer, slug_paths=[x, chassis, custom, enforcer], value=Enforcer™, name=x_Chassis_Custom_Enforcer™, name_paths=[x, Chassis, Custom, Enforcer™]}, {key=dealer, slug=x_dealer_macqueen, slug_paths=[x, dealer, macqueen], value=macqueen, name=x_dealer_macqueen, name_paths=[x, dealer, macqueen]}, {key=state, slug=x_state_il_illinois, slug_paths=[x, state, il, illinois], value=Illinois, name=x_state_IL_Illinois, name_paths=[x, state, IL, Illinois]}, {key=truck, slug=x_truck_aerials_ladders_a-107-heavy-duty-a-ladder, slug_paths=[x, truck, aerials, ladders, a-107-heavy-duty-a-ladder], value=A 107' Heavy Duty A Ladder, name=x_Truck_Aerials_Ladders_A 107' Heavy Duty A Ladder, name_paths=[x, Truck, Aerials, Ladders, A 107' Heavy Duty A Ladder]}, {key=truck, slug=x_truck_puc_aerials, slug_paths=[x, truck, puc, aerials], value=Aerials, name=x_Truck_PUC_Aerials, name_paths=[x, Truck, PUC, Aerials]}] [x_truck_puc, x_truck_puc_aerials, x_truck_puc_heavy-duty-rescue, x_truck_puc_pumpers, x_truck_puc_tankers]

New Deliveries

Clarendon Hills Fire Department - Aerial

Clarendon Hills Fire Department - Aerial

Delivery Date: October 2, 2024
Job Number: 38728
Sales Organization: MacQueen

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